Airplane headache: Why it occurs and how to stop it

Airplane headache! Yep, it’s real. It’s also know as “high altitude headache”. But it doesn’t matter how you call it, it’s hurtful anyways.

I didn’t experience it but my boyfried did on our last trip to France. What was it like? A sharp pain in the sinuses, so strong it was scary as hell. So he felt it on our second flight landing in Paris from Munich.

It lasted for a good 3-4 hours. We never knew what was it until we read about it when we got back home a week after. My boyfriend felt the same sharp pain on our way back to Sofia, on the second flight again, when landing. It lasted less then.

So what have we learnt about airplane headache?

We are not experts but according to our own web research, High Altitude Headache occurs more often during landing. It develops within 24 hours after ascent and resolves within eight hours of descent.

It covers at least two of the following charasteristics: Bilaterial, Frontal or frontotemporal (at the front of the head in the region of the temples), Dull or pressing quality, Mild or moderate intensity, Aggravated by exertion, movement, straining, coughing, or bending.

Some info says that the symptoms rarely last more than one hour. The pain has been described as jabbing, stabbing, shooting, bursting, pressing, piercing and sharp in quality. As for why airplane headaches occur, scientists think it’s due to an imbalance between the air pressure in the cabin and those in the frontal sinuses.

The exact cause of airplane headaches remain unclear, but it’s likely due to several factors such as the shape of the sinuses, as well as the speed of the aircraft, cabin pressure, and even the maximum altitude reached.

How to prevent airplane headache

We read a lot about it and the most common ways to prevent airplane headache are:

  • Stay hydrated before, during and after your flight;
  • Chew gum – this would help while the cabin pressure is changing;
  • Avoid alcohol (especially wine) and caffeine – these two can trigger the headache;
  • Take sinus medications – some spray, nasal cream should help before the flight.

So have you ever experienced an airplane headache? What was it like the first time you had it?

Update (January 2018): Since that time we never experienced airplane headache again. Our flight routine now includes chewing gum as fast as possible on take off and landing, and staying hydrated during the flight. We noticed that a pain occurs when we have a mild cold so it better be treated before flying.

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Travel blogger and tourism graduate from Bulgaria, working in the field of Digital Marketing and PR for travel brands.

Latest comments
  • One thing I had after flights (especially long-haul flights) was eye ache accompanied with headache.
    The jet noise can be bothering on long flights.

  • I had airplane headache every time the plane is landing, especially in the airports near the sea or big lakes. It starts from the left or right ear and move above to forefront or right in the eye. It is very paining, terrible. I feel like stop breathing.

    • Just had this happen, I’ve had three Thoracic surgeries and a compound fracture, but I’ve never experienced pain like this. Steep descent into Atlanta at a very high rate of speed, honestly felt more like crashing than landing. The Air brakes were extremely long and loud. The pain was above my left eyebrow, felt like my head was going to explode. My wife was freaking out.

      Yes, I never want to go through that again.

      • Had this once landing in Turkey 2017. Plane dicended pretty quick had a sinus infection at the time. Felt like a sharp nail was hammered into my forhead. Had the sharpest most intense pain ever. Took a few hours to go after landing

        Just came back from Punta Cana today and OMG it happened again. Again Had cold like symptoms possibly a sinus infection again. As I reached Gatwick on landing plane dropped pretty quick and POW had what felt like a 10inch nail railguned into my forhead behind my left eye. Struggled to balance the pressure. Tried chewing sweets, holding my nose and mouth closed to force air out ears. Could only pop ears on right side. Horrible experience, had a good read online today. Seems its a combination of plane speed, drop in altitude, canin pressure and having vulnerable sinuses due to cold or sinus infection. I’d recommend a decongestant before flight nasal spray, blowing tour nose a few times could help. Or just wait it out till you land and doors open. The pain will make you pray to a god or all of them for it to stop I know I did lol.

        Hope this helps.

        • Phil I literally just had the same happen to me landing in New York. Freaked me out especially since I’m flying alone.

        • I was landing in Sardinia today and I had it, about an hour before landing I woke up to the feeling of being stabbed by needles in the forehead above my left eye, I then checked my phone to see any physical damage, as I honestly felt that my skin was tearing apart. For about 45mins to an hour it was excruciatingly painful, and then when I was driving from Olbia to Porto Cervo it was painfull to tough my head, though not the same as before. Within 2 hours I was sound. But when it hit I felt that my head was going to explode.

      • I experienced this for the first time yesterday after a short flight from Sydney to Melbourne. With 4 minutes to arrival, I had this stabbing pain over my left eye which seemed to get worse if I put my hand over it. It was scary. My left eye watered and I thought when I wiped it dry that I would see blood on my hand….it was like something had popped in my forehead and was trying to force its way out. This morning, a good 12 hours after landing, there’s still a dull pain and I now know, from all the reading done on this, that I’m not the only one that this has happened to.

        • That’s terrible to hear. hope you get a chance to try some remedies listed on this blog.

      • my pain was so debilitating it was difficult to speak. i was finally wheeled out of the airport via stretcher & taken to hospital. my bp had skyrocketed. it’s terrifying. now i always use decongestant nasal spray before takeoff and landing.

  • pain is horriffic landing in bangkok last week i busted the blood vessells in both eyeys real scarey 6th day starting to come good

    • Hi,

      Not sure this conversation is still being followed, but… I flew from Vienna to Frankfurt yesterday and as the plane started its descent I had a feeling as if someone was ripping the bone above my left eye out of my head … It was terrible and there was nothing I could do. I had a swollen eye, I could not sleep well and my eyes are still not OK (20 hours later). Although this was not the first occurence, it was by far the most severe. now I can’t wait for my return flight… and a week later I’m flying again… ugh… I’d rather drive.

        • I have the same sharp pains in the temple area and needles in back of the eye.

          Only happened while descent, so i Lean forward and bend my head – brace position as if we gonna crash, works like magic. all the pressure stays in sinus levelled.
          try this on your next flight along with your other routines.

      • I experienced it years ago and have been scared to fly again, the pain was so terrible I thought I may have to get help, I was at high altitude not near landing but I’m telling you was the most intense pain I believe I have ever experienced. I was just looking up the subject because I still wonder what it was to this day. Thank you for the info

  • Yes, I just had my first airplane headache and it was likely one of the worst painful experience in my life. I didn’t know what was happening and why. I got a horrid sharp jabbing pain at my left brow/eye area. This happened while beginning the landing (SJC to SAN). It was a very short flight. I was fine until plane started to land. I am a somewhat healthy 60 yr old woman. I will say I had not flown in years, and last year (July 2016) I got a severe sinus infection. I never seem to totally recover to normal. Still experience congestion but no recurring infection. I go home tomorrow (SAN back to SJC) and I’m worried. I will take a decongestion, (12 hour acting) one hour before boarding. The pain is such a horrible one that I don’t know if I ever want to fly again after I get home!

      • The decongestant worked! I took about one hour before flight. I also drank lots of water, and ate the peanuts they offer. I didn’t have gum.

        • Many yrs ago I went to Ibiza flight there was great but coming back home on descent I had a horrific headache and felt like the pressure behind my eyes was so strong my eyes were going to pop out my head! The headache and pain lasted a week with the severe headache not going away, I couldn’t get my ears to pop I have never flown again I’m too frightened to experience it again

    • Horrible jabbing pain through my forehead Wow coming down from altitude. I was so scared. Never experienced that pain before in my life. Makes me not even want to fly again

  • The decongestant worked! I took one hour before flight. No headache and felt just fine during descent from 40k feet. I was also careful to drink lots of water.

      • I had a similar experience a couple of weeks ago…Flying to Gran Canaria..About 20 minutes before landing I started to get a pain in my head and behind my left eye..Gripping the top of my head to try to alleviate it..Gripped my husbands hand as tight as I could..Just praying for plane to land..I felt like my brain was exploding..Never had pain like it..headache where around the brain but this felt like it was inside my brain…I thought I’d had my chips! Headache lasted for hours after…Experienced it coming back but not as bad.

  • Never heard of it..until yesterday when I experienced it. I jumped up and said’ do you guys feel that’ and waited for oxygen masks to drop. Thank goodness people have shared this online. Thank you…I’m drinking water now…chewing gum and ready to take a nonsteroidal anti inflammatory ibuprofen…and nasal spray …as I am boarding to go home soon. Thanks for sharing may we never experience this again.

  • 22 yr old female who travels a lot. just recently starting to get airplane headaches – they usually last 40 or so minutes before landing and then intensify dueing landing. It’s an extremely sharp stabbing pain. I was worried i was popping some vessels in my brain the first time it happened because it was such a sharp pain I head never expierenced in the front area of my left side forehead and then the right eyebrow area. It stops as soon as we land. Was hoping to find something to help it, I’ll definitely try more water and gum.

    • My brother and I both get them the only thing I haven’t tried yet cause I just found out about them today after my flight And getting a pressure migraine air plugs for the ears…… my brother swears by then…. The first time it happened to me I thought I was having an aneurysm. I didn’t know anything about these kind of headaches I have had migraines, but the one on the airplane that I get every time the plane is going down to land that is the worst migraines in my entire life… hope this helps.

  • Just had one a few hours ago. Felt like something burst above left eyebrow. Really painful And actually passed out. Scared a lot of PEOple on my flight! Including my pregnant wife!

      • I have been experiencing the pain often during landing and what i have started doing when it feel like its hitting you, immediately tilt your head backwards and look up until the pain resides.

        • Olá
          Bem nunca havia acontecido antes, depois de 17:30 minutos em um voo de São Paulo a Dubai, com o Boing já abrindo trem de pouso com cintos atrelados, senti uma compressão no centro da cabeça um dor muito forte e intensa, oarecia que meu cérebro iria sair do crânio, dir muita dor eu olhava as ósseas ao redor tidas estavam normais, a dor durou até o pouso do avião e depois desapareceu como do nada.
          Foi uma exoeruencia muito dolorida e estranha, pois a namorada tomou vinho e café e só eu tive essa experiência, eu já acredito no sobrenatural por estar em lugar de muita maldade estava co. Destino final para Israel fazendo confecção em Dubai.

  • Thank you for sharing this! I have had about 4 airplane headaches in my life. (Oddly enough two of them happened in thailand and i noticed another commentor had one in thailand. I wonder if there’s something about air travel in thailand that triggers them) The last time i got one, i had a glass of wine before. now i definitely wont be drinking wine on a flight again! These are so terrifying. I honestly thought i was going to die last time. I’m getting on a plane tomorrow, sO i will try these tricks. Thanks!!


  • I AM GLAD TO KNOW THAT I AM NOT ALONE IN THIS. Had my third episode of the headache yesterday, during a 1hr flight. the pain was terrible (stabbing, shooting pains). I was chewing gum, just before the pain started; but i had to stop because of the pain. it started from the right ear and spread to my entire head and jaw, including my tongue. i felt like my breathing was going to stop. it occurred 19hrs ago and i still feel the discomfort. in addition, i feel kinda drowsy. guess it would get better. thank you for sharing your experience

  • Just recovered from mild cold. guess that could have responsible.

      • hello
        I took a flight to Dubai lasting 17:30 minutes, when the plane was flying over the airport to land, very low I started to feel a severe headache in my skull, it seemed that my brain was being ripped out of my skull, I looked at The sides and people were normal, as for coffee and wine, most people had taken it, I don’t know, I just know that my destination after the connection would be Tel Aviv Israel.
        I don’t believe it was something caused by the flight because I had traveled to Mexico Canada Portugal Spain France and Ukraine and nothing happened after that.
        I believe in the supernatural

  • My husband has had around 3 of them until i researched it. His last flight was one year ago and we did decongestants a few days before every day, 24 hours prior did advil and the morning of did advil, did nasal spray right before flight and prior to landing and finally drank two waters before flight and water during flight, He felt good. flying again next week and will do the same thing praying it works becuase to see him in this pain is so scary. i feel for you people that this happens to. Good Luck

  • Hello folks,
    I’m also a victim of this unfortunate situation ! I Flew to N.Y and for the first time felt this super scary felling … than again fLying to CHicago and lastly to NOrth CaRolina, which has resulted in driving back home rather than flying. I tried all the remedies stated on prior post but nothing works! Any advice ??

    • I am no sinus expert but this simple trick has been working for me lately. During descent, whenever you feel that its going to hit, immediately tilt head backwards and look up and breathe through nose but can keep mouth open. Continue looking up until you think its safe.

  • I am flying soon, and will get some decongestant, but my headaches have been happening well after the landing. on our last 3 holidays i’m getting headaches a few hours or a day after landing and they last from 15hours to 36hours. I’m trying to see if they are linked to the flight or I’m just headache prone. its not much fun for my partner.

  • It always happens to me when landing the last 20minutes. The pain is so bad i want to Cry. 1st time it happened i thou i was going to die. I will try the recomendaTIons Later.

  • Great literature. I am doctor and specialist in internal medicine. I suffer every time I travel by air. 10 years ago I went to eye specialist for this flight headache problem he said it’s because of pressure difference and take chewing gum before takeoff and landing.
    Pain is severe even I hit my forehead with punches, terrible

      • I have severe pain while landing especially 40 minutes before landing and my head and eyes pain so much that I feel that they will bust. Its untolerable. Especially the eyes and head.
        I have 14 hours flight next week.
        Is it correct that we should not consume any liquor in the flight

  • I have been flying between Johannesburg and Durban countless times but yesterday, as soon as the plane started it’s descent, I felt a very sharp pain just above my left eye and honestly, it was unbearable. It felt better after landing but did not completely go away. 12 hours later I still have episodes but not as intense. Also, my left nostril is now blocked and I can’t fall asleep from the pain invoice the eye

  • I had this airplane headache twice . It was like something moving inside my head from my right eye to my forehead AND
    I realised Alcohol is triggering this horrible pain especially whiskey .
    I’m 25 years old .

  • I got my first Airplane headache 3 years ago. Before that, I never experienced it. The first time I felt it, I thought I got heart attack / stroke / something. I was panic. When the airplane decreased the altitude (mostly an hour / 30 mins before landing), I had pain around my left eye (above my eye brow). It felt like someone stabbed my left eye brow with needles and burning! I was dealing with this pain for 30 mins, and gradually gone after landing. It happened again on the second landing.

    I did research on the internet about what I experienced, and seems like it is kinda rare (not alot of people experience this airplane headache).

    I am still experiencing this, only on my left eye brow. Now, I always bring a nasal spray and use it an hour before landing. It helps alot. Sometime I don’t feel the pain during landing. Even if the pain occurred, it doesn’t hurt that much as before.

  • When I experienced this terrible pain for the first time, I was clueless about the reason behind it, thought that something might have been wrong with me at that particular time, but then I started experiencing this frequently while travelling by air. This is not just related to air, the first time I experienced this pain was when I did scuba diving. So the change in pressure is definitely the biggest factor to cause this pain. I have also googled a lot but no strong biological reason has been found yet. I will try Chewing gum next time for sure, as being hydrated didn’t help me recently. Lets hope we get a permanent cure to this horrible pain.

  • This is definitely triggered by colds. I travel for work and as such fly regularly. never had this happen, although I used to get ear pains until I learned to hold my nose and gently pop my ears. Had a cold over the weekend and was flying back from Dallas to Atlanta when it hit suddenly. Think I passed out as well, but it felt better once we landed. Got it again since I was back on a flight a day or two later. This time once I tried blowing my nose, I could feel the pressure escape suddenly through my nostril and the pain immediately subsided. Little tip for those suffering this due to colds.

  • I suffered really bad from this kind of headache, first whilst descending into Kefalonia, and then the whole journey back to England. The pain was so severe I was close to screaming, and had to hold the palms of my hands into my eyeballs. I couldn’t stop crying.

    I would have rather of been knocked out!

  • Hi,
    i think i have it, now five days after flying. Flying back from Turkey on descending to Manchester Airport i got sharp pains shooting across my forehead lasting 2 hours, got home took painkillers. Next day still head ache took 2 pills eased off. Sunday and monday the same. Tuesday woke up at 6am with the same pain took pills didn’t go and took more pills eased off but still there all day. Wednesday today as been the same as Tuesday and still here at 22.23pm. More pills before bed.
    First time this as happened to me and on a short flight as well. I have done long flights , no problem. Maybe cause i am older? i don’t know. I wish it had only been for a couple of hours.

  • I observe that I always feel this sharp and throbbing pain every time the plain starts to descend. It usually starts in my neck, then the back of my air until my ears pop, and crawls unto my temple and in front of my forehead and eyebrows. I just flew hours ago and I still have the pain for 8 hours now. It becomes severe when I tilt my head and sneezes. I can’t work very well because the pain is still there. Thanks for this article. It might be useful for my next trips.

  • About a month ago we flew from Johannesburg to Buenos Aires, first landed in Sao Paulo. The last 30 min of the flight,when the plane started descending I felt this severe pain above my left eye on my brow,. it was burning like hell..i thought i was having a stroke!!!! After landing it disappeared, but the area above my brow stayed tender to my touch. After 2 hours we flew to Buenos Aires. The exactly same thing happened when the plane started descending. This time I knew I was not about to die!! It also worsened in intensity, my left eye started watering as well and my nose started running. And when we landed it was over. It was one of the worst experiences in my life!!
    After a day or two I did some research..and read somewhere you have to chew gum.I wasnt looking forward to the flights back home. So I chew gum on all my 3 flights back home and thankfully it did not happen again!!!

  • Glad I’m not alone. This has happened to me about 10 times. The best way to describe this is someone slowly dragging a knife across your forehead. You can feel it come up both sides of my neck, and waves of violent stabbing in my eyebrows. A few times were so excruciating I couldn’t even cry. I just put my hands to my face and accepted my death.
    The pain was a 10/10. Like cutting off your finger.

    After that, I got these earplugs called “ear planes” and they stay in the entire flight. Hurt your ears a bit if the flight is long. But the pain is only a 7/10 after using them. Still feels like I’m being sadistically tortured as I’m sweating, but it’s the best I can do. Now it happens 50% of the time. I just can’t believe no one knows about this!!!

  • I flew from Liverpool to isle of man and as soon as I landed I got a headache , it feels like a brick on my head ,I’ve had it ever since, plus am scared of flying ,any suggestions

  • I don’t like flying but we flew from Liverpool to the isle of man ,as soon as we landed I started with a headache , it feels like pressure on the top of my head and still have it now 2 weeks later . I also suffer with sinusitus. Any suggestio

  • I started experiencing airplane headache about 5 years back. Prior to that I never had any problem on flights. The first time it happened, the flight was descending and preparing to land. I still remember the intensity and the sudden onset of extreme pain. I would rate it as 10/10 as well to the point of you feel like banging your head to distract from the pain in between your eyes. The intensity reduced once the plane landed however there is still residual dull pain (variable about 3-5/10) for the next couple of days and eventually gone. But it created the fear of flying due to not wanting to experiencing such pain again. It persisted a couple more times after that and pain meds didn’t help much. Later on I learnt how to scuba dive and they taught how to equalize your sinuses and eardrums as you descend into the water. I use the same technique to equalize my ear pressures and to date I have never experienced airplane headache again (fingers crossed!). To those who suffer from airplane headache, perhaps try this method and see if it works! Google around to learn about equalizing pressure. Chewing gum and swallowing your saliva are some of the simple techniques but read up on those used in scuba. It may work for you as well.

  • I get them occasionally on landing, last about two minutes. So bad I usually give the person beside me a heads-up and not to be concerned when they see me distressed.
    I suffer from mild congestion and sinus problems anyway. I assume the low pressure at altitude let’s the gaps between the little bones and cartilage, or whatever make up the sinus area, increase and expand and fluid fills the gaps. Returning to high pressure at ground level begins to compress everything back to normal causing excruciating pain.
    Will try the tilted head trick. Not sure if cabin pressure at altitude varies between airlines? I presume maintaining a high pressure is more expensive for them.

  • Thank you for this post. I experienced this for the second time yesterday. It was as if there was something exploding in the left side of my head, there was sharp pain in the left eyeball, it felt as if it was about to pop, then it got teary. The pain was unbearable and diminished slowly. I might have appeared to others I just got emotional, but I wished there to be some medical help in the airport. But there wasn’t anybody to approach at that late hour.

  • I had my first airplane headache last year flying to Sardinia. I honestly thought I was going to die, the pain was so bad. Like a lightning strike in my brain. Coming home no problem, then two weeks ago flying to Greece I had another episode as the plane started to lose altitude and the pain was all on the right side of my head right down into my jaw. Pure agony.
    Thanks for your research Maria, Sounds like you’ve found the cause with the sinus solution. I’ll try everything and hope for the best!
    I have no after effects and the pain lasts only an hour or so.

  • I was on a flight from Dubai, to Manchester. Upon descent I had felt a slight tickle on my left eyebrow, until suddenly I felt like my life was going to end due to the severe stabbing pains I was experiencing. Crippling facial paralysis I could describe it as, with jabbing pains. I did not even think to try chewing gum, blowing nose, or using a nasal decongestant I thought I was having a brain aneurysm.

    It is quite interesting how so many peoples stories are so similar, in terms of pain still lasting post-flight, as well as the locations on the face people have described where the pains start. I would like to mention however, stress may be a likely cause as I was having severe episodes of stress prior to my flight, as well as potentially not having a fully cleared up mild cold I contracted.

    I will definetley ensure to try the gum trick, and blowing nose. I believe my other potential factor that caused this was poor neck posture, as well as sleeping as the plane was landing which was a terrible idea. I have really been put off from flying back home, but will ensure to have a friend or family with me next time I fly as I was alone, and thought I was about to die.

  • I have this most terrible headache about 45 minutes into the flight. The pain is located on my left brow area and behind my eye, the pain is so severe I can barely speak and lasts until the plane starts to descend. My symptoms seem to be the same as other fellow sufferers have experienced on landing, but lasting the whole cruising altitude. I have had scans that show nothing abnormal and pain killers don’t touch it. Would be interested if anyone else is familiar with my symptoms. Really don’t want to give up travelling!

  • My husband, avid traveler since he was a very young child, just had his first airplane headache in December 2019 on the way from Orlando to Montreal. Same as many, it suddenly began as the plane began its descent. Over the left eyeball. He couldn’t even talk; could only hold his hand to his head and try to breath through it. By the time the plane landed he could talk again but the pain was still there for about another hour, but much reduced. We had a connecting flight from there and, upon landing in Vienna, he experienced a milder form of the headache again (although nothing at all like the first one). Luckily did not experience anything on our return flights at all. Thank you all for your advice and, like the others, for validating this is a “thing” that happens.

  • I just stumbled on your article,i am about to catch a flight and the fear of experiencing the headache again got me researching.I had the headache for the first time on the 27th on December 2019, i had to experience it twice that day because i had a connecting flight. It was terrible, i felt like i was dying. The Pain i had moved from the back of my neck, into my head. I honestly thought that was my last day on earth.

  • I’m also here to share my experience with flight headaches. I have bad sinus problems but I remember before my flight to Houston I took allergy medication and was well hydrated. The return flight omg I thought my life was over. 30 mins before landing in Orlando I woke up from my nap and sneezed like 10x and right after my left and right ear was stuffed. I couldn’t hear anything but crackling…. oh but that’s not the worst part above my left eye it felt like a giant was crushing my scull or better yet like I was being stabbed with a knife slowly. My eyes was pouring with water and snot was pouring out of my nose. I had to take my palm of my had and press above my left eye. It lasted until I got of the flight. I had a headache all the way home. Went away and came back again. Now what I did notice reading other ppl comments was
    1. I had a drink before the flight and had been drinking the whole time with hardly any H2O… so that was a big no! no!
    2. No gum
    3. I forgot to take my allergy medication
    I really do feel that having real bad sinus or even a cold plays a major part in what is happening. This was my first experience and I fly a lot. This headache literally scared my to death! I cried the whole time and had a panic attack. The pain I wouldn’t wish on my worse enemy. I’m really thankfully for the information I read and will try next time so hopefully fingers cross it works.

  • I have had several of these airplane headaches. Always on the decent. Absolutely terrifying. I have found a formula that helps. I take 2 Aleve gel caps before boarding. They are good for 12 hours. About 2 hours before the decent begins I take migraine medicine, either Maxalt or Imitrex. One hour before landing I use a spray decongestant and chew gum. Hope this might help some one else. These headaches make you never want to fly again!

  • I am so happy to see this comment section. I always wondered why I’m the only one on the plane dying of this pain and everyone else is just fine. This has happened to me wayyyyy too many times . Almost every single time I fly. I’m lucky if it doesn’t happen. I’m definitely scarred by this. My last flight a week ago, I could feel the pain working up in my head but it stayed in my ears. It was excruciating. The time before, it began in my eye. But it always ends in my head. I describe it as something bursting in my head. It lasts up to 2-3 hours after I’ve landed usually. I’m going to try the nasal spray and decongestant. I pray this helps because I have a flight in a couple weeks and I’m absolutely not excited about flying due to this pain.

  • It’s actually relieving to see this many comments with almost the same symptoms as me. In my years of flying this never happened to me. I was coming back from Las Vegas even on the flight there this didn’t happen. We got sat at the end of the plane and when it was descending I thought I was having a stroke. The left side of my face felt like it was drowsy and just melting and it felt like my brain was swelling up so big that my skull was going to explode. My left eye couldn’t stay open and had pressure on my eyelid that it was shutting and opening back up by itself. My scalp when I touched the left side of my head it stung like needles being shoved into it. I felt like screaming and I couldn’t breathe I hid my face so the person next to me didn’t get scared but it was probably the worst thing I felt in my life I felt like someone was stabbing the left side of my head repeatedly and pulling my hair out. I have a flight in two weeks to Cancun and I’m so scared I’m going to use these tips and go to the doctor to see what he can do about me not having to seat at the back of the plane. It’s the worst thing I’ve ever felt in my life. I would give up traveling because of this type of pain.

    • hello
      I took a flight to Dubai lasting 17:30 minutes, when the plane was flying over the airport to land, very low I started to feel a severe headache in my skull, it seemed that my brain was being ripped out of my skull, I looked at The sides and people were normal, as for coffee and wine, most people had taken it, I don’t know, I just know that my destination after the connection would be Tel Aviv Israel.
      I don’t believe it was something caused by the flight because I had traveled to Mexico Canada Portugal Spain France and Ukraine and nothing happened after that.
      I believe in the supernatural

  • Hello. Thanks for this site.

    Yesterday was the first time I experience an airplane headache. It is interesting how it seems to appear on the left side behind our near the eye on almost all who have posted. Mine was the same and it was the worst pain I ever felt. Like someone stabbing me in my temple through to the back of my eye on the left side.

    This was the second flight I took that day. My first flight was from Detroit to New Orleans. Normal flight no problems. The second flight occurred 3 hours later after layover, from New Orleans to Tampa. Upon descent in Tampa is when it happened.

    Thanks for posting this on your blog. I will try some of the suggestions like sinus medicine before a flight.

    I hope I never have that happen again.

  • Hey hey,
    Thank you for all the information! I experienced this for the first time recently coming home from New Zealand only about two weeks ago. It felt like my brain was going to explode out of my ears, I couldn’t yawn or cry it was that bad.. genuinely accepted death, I just held my head and dealt with the the pain sweating and screaming inside 😐

    When I was able to yawn eventually, I heard a very loud high pitched noise out of my left ear, cut my yawn halfway through because I got scared. My head was sore after the flight landed.
    I did chew gum, but at that stage in the pain I think it only distracted me a little bit and gave me hope that death was not going to take me mid-descent in a plane full of random people.

    The plane did drop suddenly at one stage and I was a little bit sick, my nose was blocked so I think that’s maybe why I experienced it.. I will most definitely try the decongestants next time regardless of if I’ m sick because the pain was so horrible I’m afraid to experience it again.

    Thank you for all the comments, I didn’t understand why it was happening or if it happened to other people, this has given me some peace of mind.

    Thanks again ya’ll !

  • I’ve experienced this 3 or 4 times in my life, but I believe that it never happened before I turned 40. I’ve been on hundreds of flights and can’t seem to find any pattern as to when it happens. Most recently, I was landing in LaGuardia (New York) on an early morning flight, hydrated, hadn’t had any alcohol, no allergies, cold, or sinus issues. Same as many others- stabbing behind the left eye and through the eyebrow. I imagine this is what a stoke feels like and it scares me every time. There was residual pain for several hours and I finally stopped at a drug store to get some acetaminophen, which helped.
    The flight back to Columbus, Ohio two days later was fine. Fortunately, the comments on this list seem to indicate that (1) I’m not unique in experiencing this and (2) it probably won’t lead to having a stroke or ruptured eyeball. I’ll be trying some of the suggested remedies in the future.
    It is scary to think that this could happen to pilots- it is unpredictable and completely disabling.

  • I have been flying all over the world for over 40+ years and just 2 months ago started to experience this piercing pain above my left eye. I thought to myself “is this what a blood clot is like”. It happened on 3 different flights only while in descent. I decided to google the issue and found this site. I am happy to know that I am not alone. I will try the recommendations posted.

  • I felt a serious sharp pain while on the plane today, unfortunately the more I Rob it the more severe the pain was.

  • Hi all. I’ve dealt with this for a few years now, on plane descent you get the sharp stabbing pain right in the middle of your forehead that starts making you panic.

    I have found something that works for me to STOP IT EVERY TIME.
    The instant I start feeling the pain, I squeeze my nostrils with my hand to “plug” my nose and then try to blow through my nose while it is plugged.
    It relieves it instantly, and I think it has something to do with equalizing the pressure in your sinuses.

    Hopefully this works for others!

  • This article has helped me a lot. I’m doing a 3 hour flight in 2 weeks and I’ve been getting increasingly nervous about this happening to me again. The first time was awfully scary.

    It has a name: Aerosinusitis or Barosinusitis. There’s an article of prevention techniques here:

    And there’s some aviation ear plugs recommended here:

  • It’s happened to me a few times. Very very painful sharp pain.
    Holding my nose and blowing out helped alleviate it for me.

  • This happens to me everyone time i fly home (Orlando) this past time, literally 15 minutes again was one of the worst times. SHARP, STABBING pains in both temples, across forehead, back of my skull, and down the sides of my neck. It’s like having needs stabbed into your head/face. All i could do was close my eyes, try to breath and pray the pain didn’t get worse. The pain was so bad i was seeing flashes while my eyes were closed. I was worried i was going to pass out. We have a tropical cyclone warning currently, I think that’s why it was so bad this time. It makes me hesitant to fly in the future.

  • Mine happened just yesterday and that’s the reason i came to research about it before seeing this page.
    Although not the first time its happening to me but this recent one was far more severe than I have ever experienced.
    It felt like my head wanted to explode and the right side of my head was feeling like something its trying to pull the bones there, its such an excruciating pains that even this morning i am coughing out blood and my ears and still wobbling, with distant headache still hanging around.
    I really hope this gum tricks works and i also found out its worst when you seat close or at the wings of the plane.

  • My son first had one of these when he was 7 and was the scariest thing ever as a mom, as his eyes were rolling back in his head from the pain and thought he was going to passout or worse on the flight. He texted me today, at age 23, and said I had the same headache when I was a kid and it was so excruiating, unbearable. I didn’t realize it was a thing when he was little….now I do.

  • I am 50 and I have been travelling for many years also on long-haul flights and recently started having this. It is like a sudden stab in the face, it is so awful and scary. I talked to the flight attendant and she gave me the same advice, use nasal decongestant 1h before landing.
    I have noticed that when it happened I was sitting at the very back of the plane. Not sure if buying a front seat may help. I will try, I do hope these remedies work as it is scary.

  • I experienced my first airplane headache flying from Atlanta to Indiana. It was awful. It felt at first like an ice cream freeze and continued on to deep pain. It lasted Half of flight getting worse. The pain eased at the end of the flight but I had pressure for 24 hours after. I became nauseated . Thought I was having a stroke.

  • Oh my goodness, this happened to me this evening for the first time, it happened as we started to descend. It was so painful and can only describe it as a stabbing, burning intense pain on the left side of my forehead and left eyebrow. My eyebrow was forehead as so painful to touch, like the skin had been burned. I can only describe the pain as like something had burst under the skin. I thought my face would be bruised when I landed. It was the worst pain I’ve experienced in a long time. It lasted approx 20 mins and then eased off when I landed. I took some paracetamol but can still feel niggling after pain. I genuinely thought I may have been having a stroke or brain bleed. I’m glad I came across this article which seems to explain my symptoms. I’ve never experienced this before on a flight.

  • My first experience was when descending into the Bahamas. It felt like a blowtorch to my forehead, and I was so alarmed. I was attacking my forehead like I was being stung by bees. The intensity stopped when we landed but the pain lasted for two days after. Now I take allergy and decongestant meds about 1.5 hours before decent and chew gum. Never again…

  • I had no idea that other people experienced this…. I am 44 and this was the 1st time I have had this AH on a plane! I thought I was having a stroke and I will die before we landed!
    I suffer from migraines, but this was worse! Sharp pain in my left brow area and all left side of my face. Teeth, ear, cheek… It went away after we landed.
    But I think it was triggered by my congestion as well as 2 glasses of wine before the flight.

  • I had the same headache reall bad my head wanted to blow up coulntd even touch it….I thinck it has to do with a cold and stuffy nose that’s why it happens …

    Any one was sick when it happend..

  • I experienced my second time just yesterday, the first time I had it was 3 years ago.
    It was scary for me because I’m the type who doesn’t get migraines, so I didn’t know if it was a migraine or not, I thought I was having paralysis or stroke, or cardiac arrest. I tried calming down and monitoring my breathing and pulse. It was worse than the first time, It started near my right ear and spread through the backside of my head, I could feel the pain branching out into specific regions inside my head and the back neck area. My throat was dry and it was hard to gulp.

  • Pain was unbearable, it makes me want to never fly again!
    This great information and will keep your prevention treatment.

  • Thanks for this site and user comments.

    I feel that I also have to share my own story.

    I had flown dozens of times and never felt any pain when the plane landed.
    About 5 years ago I experienced a headache for the first time when the plane landed.
    Sometimes the pain was really bad and sometimes there was no pain at all.

    Last week when the plane landed, the pain got so bad that I finally lost consciousness and woke up when the plane was on the ground (I was unconscious for about 5 minutes) When I woke up, I was drenched in sweat and couldn’t see anything for 10-15 minutes.

    The experience was really scary and made me afraid to fly again.

    I’m going to the doctor tomorrow to examine the matter.. I’ll get back to it if the doctor finds out something.

  • I’m late to the plane pain party yall. Just wanted to say I experienced a very tramatic explosive pain experience when landing in NYC today. It is the second time I had pain landing but this time it was so bizarre. Just want to mention I have had 2 sinus surgeries in the past. I have chronic sinusitis and monthly infections as I have oddly shaped septum and deformed sinus cavities (it’s genetic from my father). Get this, the pain was in the back of my neck, shooting into my ear canals and then into my jaw hinges. Like extreme TMJ on steroids. I felt like my brain was being pulled out my ears and my neck muscles were being yanked outward like the oppositeof being strangled, like my neck was going to explode. I was crying and screaming in pain. I freaked everyone out. My husband was not sure what to do. I couldn’t even speak. Almost looked like I was having a stroke or seizure from the way I was contorting in agony. I know why this happened like this though. The pilot was not skilled at landing at all. He pretty much crash landed .. just extremely sloppy and way too quickly on the runway. My pain started 9min from touch down. About 7-8 min of agony. Was not fun and I won’t be flying frontier again.

  • Hello!
    It’s been quite a while since I started having these terrible pains 10 to 15 minutes before landing and I couldn’t understand anything since all the other passengers around me don’t suffer as I do such that I was wondering what’s wrong in my body contitution!

    After reading your experiences and remedies, I believe I am saved. The day before yesterday, I suffered too much from it when I was chewing one that we landed on Kalemie in the DRC, it is practically on the shores of Lake Tanganyika; and I had already noticed that some areas made me suffer a lot more than others.
    Now I understand that there is a connection with the sea and atmospheric pressure.
    I also understand that it could have a link with the problem of nasal congestion because if breathing through the nose is fluid, there will be pressure balance because the air will circulate well.

    I’m going to try various tricks on the next flight in August.

    Thanks for sharing the experience.

  • If this helps just 1 person, I’ll be happy!!

    I’ve been suffering with this now for the last 11 years, after many years happily flying, I randomly started to get this debilitating, searing stabbing pain above my left eye (in my eyebrow) on a flight to Cyprus. My eye instantly poured and I immediately wiped, convinced I would see blood. I had no idea what was happening, it was terrifying, the pain quite literally takes your breath away. As much as I love flying, I’m now filled with anxiety weeks before upcoming flights in the fear that I’ll experience this again.

    For the last few years, I have been taking 2x Nurofen Express tablets approx 1 hour before landing (or 1 hour before starting descent to be on the safe side).
    I find that the pain sets in for me anywhere between 20k & 10k feet, especially if the pilot descends rapidly. For the most part, this has worked well & has ensured I do not feel any pain. However, I have noticed that if I am congested or recently had cold/flu like symptoms that the Nurofen doesn’t work & I still get the pain.

    I’ve just recently flown Tue 5th & Thu 7th Sept, after reading some of the comments on here suggesting decongestants, I thought I’d give that a go, as a few days before flying I’d started to feel some congestion setting in.

    I went to Boots and purchased the Sudafed Sinus Pressure & Pain 200mg/30mg (Ibuprofen 200mg, Pseudoephedrine hydrochloride 30mg), it costs around £8 and is available OTC.
    I took 2 tablets per flight in total (1 tablet 1 hour before take off & 1 tablet 1 hour before descent). I am so pleased to say these tablets worked!! I was so worried with it being my first time trying them as opposed to my 90% trusty Nurofen, however because I’d been experiencing some cold like symptoms I needed to give this a try & I’m so glad I did.

    Along with taking the tablets, I made sure to stay hydrated with plenty of water, I had chewing gum/hard mints when taking off and landing, and throughout the flight I was constantly swallowing to help alleviate some pressure from my ears.

    I really hope some of this advice can be of use & thank you to everyone who have posted their recommendations, the decongestion ones are particularly great.

    I can only hope that one day we have some sort of cure for this, it’s truly horrific & I’m sorry that anyone needs to experience this!

  • Yesterday I was traveling a 2 hour flight to New Delhi.Before 20 minutes landing I had a severe pain above my left eyes.It seem a kind of Brain stroke,and tears rolled downed from both the eyes and the pain was un bearable.However I calmed myself but the pain was there whole day.Today morning their was blood in my cough.I have experienced same thing flying, just after flights resumed after Corona restriction.But,ENT at that time said it was due to wearing mask on flight.Request for proper remedy to it.

  • I remember my horible experience 2019 flying on virgin australia from NEWZEALAND to MELBOURNE. my first time experiencing such a horrible pain. this was during take off, horrible painful, stabbing, felt like someone was trying to rip my brains out. for me, the pain was at the back of my head ( behind the ears to lower skull) so painful went for a good 5mins. the worst 5mins minutes of my life. to the point where i kinda screamed in low voice, luckily for my dad that was sitting next to me, he kinda had to full massage and put pressure on the lower back of my head. while i had both my hands covering and adding full pressure to the back of my ears. i was in tears, i was crying like i just the worst beating of my life. hate it. HIGH ANXITEY if i were to fly again….

  • Trigeminal neuralgia it is. Suffered a lot before I could find any relevant information. Paracetamol or some antispasmodics plus diuretic stuff help me with that.

  • Suffered from migraines all my life.. the headache/migrane I get after a flight is so severe it’s unreal. Long lasting up to three days on some occasions. I’m a 53 year old man and I cry with pain.