Traveling itself attracts people, so they’ll visit your blog. Who doesn’t want to be transported to the ocean for a minute or learn about new places? But once the page is opened, the text takes center stage. And if it’s not interesting, readers will leave and try their luck on other pages. Your job as a blogger is to make it worthy. Let’s see how.
Share Your Experience
Essential travel tips can be found anywhere, but your stories are unique. People want to see a real person with emotions, insights, and experiences. Try it out:
Give specific advice. Your readers are travelers themselves or dream about it; you don’t even need to imagine yourself in their shoes. Give feedback on places, recommend establishments, tell how and where to book a hotel, etc.
Share useful resources. Attach links that help prepare for the trip – maps, apps, and websites to find the best places.
Use colorful photos and videos. Graphics create an atmosphere and bring your words to life. Keep quality in mind. Also, use lists, dividers, and stickers, if appropriate. Being structured makes it easier to read.
Pay attention to cultural peculiarities. Describe local traditions, cuisine, and other exciting things. The educational aspect is attractive; people feel they are relaxing and learning.
Consider other aspects of the trip. Note the peculiarities of local transportation, recreation, entertainment, etc. Give your readers the complete picture, even behind the scenes.
Be open-minded. Unexpected and funny stories happen, which will get the most views, especially when presented correctly.
Respond to comments. Actively engage with readers by responding to questions and comments. It builds community and makes your blog more alive.
A good rule of thumb is to think about what attracts you. Which blogs do you subscribe to and stick to as the only information source? Analyze what’s special about them and apply it to your pages. But be sure to do so with a unique vision!
Write Correctly
In text blogs, this is a must. No one wants to read posts with endless spelling and punctuation errors. There are several steps to ensure your post is “clean.” First of all, let it sit for at least an hour. It’s best to wait a day, but you don’t have that time in a dynamic industry like travel. When your eyes and mind have rested from what you’ve written, reread it. Most likely, you’ll find flaws and correct them. Second, use special tools like Grammarly, QuillBot, LanguageTool, etc. Try different ones, maybe even use them in combination.
There are writing services for those who don’t want to bother or don’t have time between travels. Professionals will complete an assignment on a given topic, saving you the trouble. But then you should ask: “Is scam? Do I really have no time? Will the service write a good paper?”.
For the former, explore unemployedprofessors review for a comprehensive look at their services. And there you have it, one less worry. But you need to find answers to the rest on your own. To avoid feeling like your blog is no longer yours or that you’re cheating your subscribers, delegate only part of the tasks. For example, short posts, videos, and photos are still your responsibility. But you can outsource long historical references and the like.
Be Active in the Community
There are a lot of like-minded people around – you’re not the only blogger of your kind. And despite the competition, that’s good news. There are more benefits to communicating with other travel fans, such as sharing tips, traveling together, mutually beneficial advertising, etc.
You can find communities by typing a query into Google, but social media is more reliable. Search by tags, location, and nicknames. Once you’ve seen the right one, don’t be afraid to make yourself known. You can write directly to those who excite and inspire you. Or you can comment on thematic posts, respond to people, and join tours.
Explore and be Curious
A simple question to a local can change the course of your post by 180 degrees. After all, anyone can look at photos and find out basic facts in the age of digital technology. But only those in the epicenter of events can learn the secrets of old streets and the names of the best bars.
Whatever post you publish, look at what was written on this topic before you. Make your blog better by giving your audience something unique. A Roman street will sparkle with new colors if you connect it to a historical event. Or the same story of the fruit seller across the street.
Final Thoughts
Whatever you do, let people see the light inside you. They’ll feel it and appreciate it. Your readers will stay if you are genuinely interested in traveling and making your dreams come true. And the tips above will complete the picture, making your posts more professional and catchy.